You can select the macro you want to modify from this pop-up menu. Enter a name of 1-7 characters for the macro in this text entry area. Select the execution options for all your macros in this dialog. The Execute Automatically options allow you to select the conditions under which a macro executes automatically. The Save Listing options allow you to select the conditions under which the results listing is saved after a macro has finished scanning. The After Scan options allow you to choose a mode of operation for SAM after a macro has completed. The Scan options allow you to choose which volumes are scanned by a macro. If On every launch is selected, the macro is automatically executed every time you launch Virus Clinic. First time after restarts sets a macro to execute the first time Virus Clinic runs after a system restart. To run a macro at startup, choose this option and make Clinic the startup application. The macro is never automatically executed if Never is selected from the Execute Automatically options. The results listing is always saved after a macro executes if Always is selected from the Save Listing options. If Only if no infection found is selected, the results listing is saved after a macro executes only when an infection is not found. If Only if infection found is selected, the results listing is saved after a macro executes only when an infection is found. The results listing is never saved after a macro executes if Never is selected from the Save Listing options. Quit, if no infections quits Virus Clinic after the macro has completed, provided no infections were found. Otherwise, an alert is issued and the macro halts. Scan & Eject, if no infections puts you in Scan & Eject mode after the macro has completed, provided no infections were found. Otherwise, an alert is issued and the macro halts. Stop returns you to normal operation after the macro has completed. All volumes sets the macro to scan all mounted volumes. All local volumes sets the macro to scan all Macintosh volumes directly connected to your computer. File servers and other non-standard volumes are not scanned. All selected volumes sets the macro to scan all volumes appearing in the Mounted Volumes Area at the time the macro is run, except those which have been deselected. System volume only sets the macro to scan only the volume containing the active System File.